Elder Braden Roberts

This blog is maintained by Elder Roberts family. This is not a personal page and Elder Roberts will not personally update this page. You are free to leave comments as well as suggestions to improve this site. Thanks the Roberts family.

Monday, December 30, 2013

First Babtism!!!

Another week in Paradise!! This week was a little rough with Christmas and everything but super awesome being able to serve the Lords on his birthday and to make it even better we got to baptize the cute little old guy!!  I was able to do it and everything went good!! It was a little difficult saying the prayer in Chinese but I did it and it was so awesome!! 


Seeing you guys on Christmas made me realize what truly makes me happy and it made me think about what I was doing here and as much as I miss you guys and as hard as it is being away from home I know that in just a little while I will be back with you.  I thought about what I was doing here and that I am helping people to be able to be with their families and the people that truly make them happy forever!! What an awesome opportunity I have to teach this amazing gospel and to give people such great hope in life and to give them a purpose in life!!


This Friday I went on exchanges with the Elder that told me I needed to be more serious and I need to stop joking around so much... haha it was fun I have really learned to be patient and learn how to like people and really get along with them! On Friday night we were heading to one of his investigators but he didn't know the way.... so I was leading and the light turned yellow. I went to go but then the car in front of me started to turn and a guy stepped out in front of me so I hurried and stopped and my companion ended up running into the back of me... I hadn't completely stopped when he hit me so as he came up to the side of me and tipped over. I was still balancing on my bike. I stepped off my bike and reached down to help him and see how he was he says to me in a super whinny voice "why did you stop right there!!!" As if it was my fault. So being the good person I am and trying not to completely lose my temper I road up the road a little bit and waited. He had hit my derailer and bent it into my tire so we ended up pushing my bike for the rest of the night... haha but I didn’t say anything to him about it. The next day he and the other elders brought it up and he still blamed me for it and said I shouldn't have stopped so fast and it was just as much his fault as it was mine, I just laughed and dropped it but that was my excitement for the week.


Everything is going good. We have some really good investigates right now and as of right now we have 4 baptisms for next month so hopefully things work out I love you guys and hope you have an awesome new year!!!!




love Elder Roberts


ruan jun xiong


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Another week in paradise!! This week was super crazy!! We had three Christmas parties that were pretty much the whole day, so it felt like we didn't get very much missionary work done which was kind of frustrating but it was fun to. We had a big party on Thursday, the whole mission got together and we all rented these party buses and went to sun Moon Lake! It is a big tourist lake here and we got to shop and just hang out. We took a big picture with everyone from the mission in front of the temple up by the lake! It was super foggy there to so that was really cool! You could walk out on the dock and pretty much disappear and look out over the lake and it was just white!! Super cool! After we left the lake we rented this big steak and BBQ place, it was pretty good. It was all you can eat everything and it was good food! Then me and Elder Gish had to leave early because the AP's asked us to go help them set up for the fire side! I have only been here for 2 months and I am already in with them, ha-ha. Elder Gish is awesome he is the only reason I am. The devotional was good and the missionaries that are leaving soon spoke and it made me really want to enjoy my time here even more!! After the devotional we got back on the bus and headed back to the mission home to get our bikes, but about half way there a guy got hit by a car crossing the road so President got out and helped him and then in the next intersection there was 2 scooters that crashed....it was crazy and we had a baptismal interview at 8 and this happened at 7:30... from the mission home to our chapel is about a 30 minute bike ride so we decided we weren't going to have time to wait and get our bikes and ride back so we end ended up just walking back to our chapel... it was an exciting day!


The old guy had his baptismal interview on Saturday that was quite the adventure... haha I was on splits with Elder Palmer, he is from south Jordan, he is super cool to. Anyways  we showed up at the church and there was no Zhang Di Xiang.... we wait for about 10 min. then decided to go get him so we road to his house and he was just getting ready to leave to who he said was his "girlfriend" house then we asked him if he could come to the church with us right now for 30 minutes and he said ok and we headed off! :) (Just picture how cute that little guy looks riding a scooter!!!!!) haha then we got to a light where we needed to turn and we turned and he kept going straight.... not sure where he was going and I don’t think he did either by the look he gave us when he drove past... he looked like a lost puppy dog! We decided to just go to the church and hopefully he would show up, he did about 5 min. after us but sadly he didn't pass again because apparently he is drinking alcohol and coffee and tea... I guess it just kind of depends what days you ask him these questions and how he wants to answer them... he is so cute so this week we are meeting with him every day at 7 to make sure he is doing everything and then we will baptize him next week!


Yesterday we went to a mall and sang a bunch of songs and everyone gathered and took pictures of all the white people gathered together singing! Ha-ha it is so funny we are like animals at a zoo! Everyone gathers to see us and wants to talk to us until we start talking about the gospel... then they run away! Some people are scared of us though it is super funny! We tried to talk to this one kid and he started backing up and was tripping up this hill... Then hid behind a cart.... ha-ha he was really scared of us!


I found some pretty funny and cool stuff this week during studies! The funny thing is in Ether 14: 18,23 it is pretty funny if you just read those two verses!! I at least got a laugh out of it :) Then in Words of Mormon I read verse 7 and it really helped me! Even he doesn't know everything but as long as we put our trust in the lord things will work out and he will help us do what we need to! Do what he has told us and he will bless you!


I love all of you and hope you have another fantastic week and Christmas!! I know I will! Like my uncle Dave always says "Just another day in paradise" Live every day like it is another day in paradise and your life will be a lot better! Everything happens for a reason, we might not know why but God does so trust in him and keep moving on!! Love you all!


Love Elder Roberts


More scriptures!! 

-Psalms 37:16-17

 Christmas Morning!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Just another week in paradise!!  We are moved into our new apartment and it is super nice!!! During packing though we made some paper air planes and found our way to the roof  haha there was also a basketball and some helmets that fell out our window.... oops haha :) Some mad it into the garbage 15 stories down but some didn't....  It was super fun though. I finally got a little cold a gift from my companion. (ha-ha) We spent most of the time moving and being stupid this week so nothing super exciting happened except for stupid stuff and a lot of contacting! We have met a lot of nice people!


A cool blessing experience we had this week was with Tony, he was feeling pretty sick and his throat hurt so he couldn't really talk and within an hour after the blessing he said his throat didn't hurt at all!!! The priesthood is so awesome! 


I ate a 1000 year old egg yesterday for dinner at member’s house so that was good..... ha-ha 


Hope you like the pictures and sorry for the short letter this week! Thanks again for all the letters my mom sent to me and for the Christmas tree it is so awesome! Love you all!! I still haven’t got all the Christmas presents for you guys either... I am going to do that today I hope!! We have been so busy with moving this week it took up almost all of our time!


Sorry I don’t have very much time but I will try to write more next week! I am expecting a lot of miracles :)


Love Elder Roberts

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 7 in AMAZING Taiwan

Another week is already over time is going faster and faster every week! I finished my first move call now so I'm not the youngest on the island anymore! (haha) that is good. I probably still know the least amount of Chinese though but who needs Chinese when you have a smile like mine. (haha) Elder Gish got better for a couple days then got a cold ( ha) I have stayed healthy for the most part! I can feel my body trying to fight it off though so hopefully I don't get sick! That is crazy and awesome for Rhett! Congratulations!!! 


We have to move because the apartment rent thing is over so we are just moving down the street a little bit. That's not a bad thing though, every morning we get to take a cold shower because for some reason our shower won’t stay warm the whole time, it goes really hot to really cold so we have put a dumbbell in there so while it is cold we can work out and hopefully one day look like ky. ;) We are hopefully moving the end of this week! 


So this week was pretty slow again and we lost a couple more investigators.... The guy from Texas stopped answering our phone calls and when he does he doesn't show up to the lesson... It is super frustrating but we have found some pretty cool people on the streets so hopefully they work out. The old guy has a baptismal date for the 25th of December.  He and our only other investigator have goals for that day! The week has been kinda of discouraging though and so to make ourselves feel better we sometimes have to find things to do. The other day we got a parachute army guy and took him up to the roof of our 15 story apartment and I bet you can guess what we did.  I’m sure the people downstairs were wondering what we were doing going up and down in the elevator. Pretty stupid but it was fun so I don't care what they thought. We were like little kids at a hotel ;)


There is a bakery by our church so we go there quite a bit and get treats and dinner and last time we went they were talking to each other thinking we couldn't understand them. We could haha and they were talking about me I didn't know exactly what they were saying but when we left Elder Gish said they were saying see that’s the hot one it was super funny.  Today at lunch a bunch of girls asked if they could get a picture with us!  We are like super stars here because we are white it is so cool! :)


Here is a story that I found during my studies one day hope you like it! It makes you really appreciate what the God has done for us!


There was once a bridge which spanned a large river. During most of the day the bridge sat with its length running up and down the river paralleled with the banks, allowing ships to pass thru freely on both sides of the bridge. But at certain times each day, a train would come along and the bridge would be turned sideways across the river, allowing a train to cross it.

A switchman sat in a small shack on one side of the river where he operated the controls to turn the bridge and lock it into place as the train crossed. One evening as the switchman was waiting for the last train of the day to come, he looked off into the distance thru the dimming twilight and caught sight of the train lights. He stepped to the control and waited until the train was within a prescribed distance when he was to turn the bridge. He turned the bridge into position, but, to his horror, he found the locking control did not work. If the bridge was not securely in position it would wobble back and forth at the ends when the train came onto it, causing the train to jump the track and go crashing into the river. This would be a passenger train with many people aboard. He left the bridge turned across the river, and hurried across the bridge to the other side of the river where there was a lever switch he could hold to operate the lock manually. He would have to hold the lever back firmly as the train crossed. He could hear the rumble of the train now, and he took hold of the lever and leaned backward to apply his weight to it, locking the bridge. He kept applying the pressure to keep the mechanism locked. Many lives depended on this man’s strength.

Then, coming across the bridge from the direction of his control shack, he heard a sound that made his blood run cold. “Daddy, where are you?” His four-year-old son was crossing the bridge to look for him. His first impulse was to cry out to the child, “Run! Run!” But the train was too close; the tiny legs would never make it across the bridge in time. The man almost left his lever to run and snatch up his son and carry him to safety. But he realized that he could not get back to the lever. Either the people on the train or his little son must die. He took a moment to make his decision.

The train sped safely and swiftly on its way, and no one aboard was even aware of the tiny broken body thrown mercilessly into the river by the onrushing train. Nor were they aware of the pitiful figure of the sobbing man, still clinging tightly to the locking lever long after the train had passed. They did not see him walking home more slowly than he had ever walked: to tell his wife how their son had brutally died.

Now if you comprehend the emotions which went this man’s heart, you can begin to understand the feelings of our Father in Heaven when He sacrificed His Son to bridge the gap between us and eternal life. Can there be any wonder that He caused the earth to tremble and the skies to darken when His Son died? How does He feel when we speed along thru life without giving a thought to what was done for us thru Jesus Christ?


Love you guys! Hope everything is going good sounds like the weather is awesome there!! ;) haha


Love Elder Roberts


ruan jun xiong


Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 6 in Awesome Taiwan

So I will try to answer all of your questions. There are so many but some of them I was already planning on telling. I did get one of the packages but we haven't set up the Christmas tree yet because we were supposed to be moving apartments this week but now we will not be moving until the middle of December  so I’m not sure when we will set the tree up.  For Thanksgiving we woke up did personal study and went and taught people about the gospel, nothing different. We forgot it was thanksgiving until president called us and said happy thanksgiving( haha).We ate rice, soup and pig feet for dinner.... yummy.... haha..  That video sounds awesome I can’t wait to get it!!   I’m not too sure about Skype but I am pretty sure it is on our Christmas so your Christmas Eve. 


Church here is so different!! There are about 100 members in my ward. yesterday our zone leaders were telling us about their testimony meeting and how it turned into a debate about gay marriage so that is kind of how church is here sometimes but every now and then it is really good, most of the time I have no idea what they are talking about so church is very long. I was super grumpy this Sunday.  Poor Elder Gish! I get super grumpy when I don't have food and then everyone tries to talk to me and I can’t understand them which is even more annoying.  I bore my testimony the first week and introduced myself but that is about it so no talks yet. I will also try to get pictures of the girls and the old guy! Even everyone here knows him as the short little old guy... it is funny!

This last week has been pretty rough. We dropped almost all of our investigators and our numbers have gone way down!!! So that has been pretty discouraging.... but I try not to get down on myself to much, when I do Elder Gish always finds a way to help me out and start feeling better it seems like! I have been pretty home sick the last week to which kind of sucks but I think it is just because we have had a lot of free time not having very many investigators. We plan on working our butts off this week so we can get some more investigators! That is so awesome about dad getting the award! Don't let it get to his head though (haha)!

The weather is getting a little colder here now but I still wear a short sleeve and it isn’t to bad as long as we ride at a decent speed to get our blood flowing but not too fast or the wind is really cold. I have only put on my sweat shirt once. Funny story though today we went down stairs and played basketball at the track across the street and I was shooting with one hand and the other hand was in my pocket holding onto the keys and because it was pretty cold. A lady came up to me talking in English at first then said in Chinese pointing to my hand "what are you grabbing...." as I pulled out the keys I realized what she was probably thinking..... (haha) they are crazy I tell you but it gave me and Elder Gish a good laugh.

On Friday (my 100th day) we spent the day inside... Elder Gish was super sick! He woke up and wasn't feeling very good but was getting ready then throughout planning he started to feel worse and worse, at about 12 he ended up throwing up and he threw up blood.... So he decided to call sister Blickenstaff and was thinking he was going to have to go to the hospital, she didn't answer so we decided to just wait. He called the other Elders to come over and help me give him a blessing. I was super nervous because he was like dying and I was worried I was going to tell him that he was going to not make it or something. I found out later that he was super worried that something was really wrong also but he wasn't acting to worried so I didn't think it was too big of a deal. When I started the blessing things were coming to my head that made me super worried to say so I would pause and really think about the things I was going to say but I felt so strongly to say them it was crazy!!! I promised him he would be feeling better by tomorrow and that if he had enough faith we would be able to do everything we need to do tomorrow. After I was super nervous haha It was like the same thing that happened when I gave Jaxon his blessing! I felt almost sick from what I had promised Elder Gish but decided to have faith that things would work out. He slept most of the day and when he was awake I would talk to him and we got into some pretty good deep talks but then he fell asleep at like 7 for the night. The next day I woke up and he kept sleeping so I worked out and thought we were probably going to be inside again.... I was trying to figure out why I felt so strongly to say those things and what the reason was and what we were supposed to learn from it, but then he came walking out and he wasn't feeling completely well but he was good enough to go do the work!!

It was such a miracle and I know the lord is completely aware of everything we are doing and going through! The power of the priesthood is so strong! That experience built my testimony so much!! God can do anything and if you have enough faith and truly believe that he will help you he will!!

I love you guys so much!! I’m glad things are going good there sounds like it is a party ;) Hope all the holidays go good!

Love Elder Roberts


ruan jun xiong

2 Nephi 28:21-24,32 satan is very tricky be careful!! :)

2 Nephi 30:11 Ky this one is for you and your Girdle ;)

2 Nephi 32:4-5

2 Nephi 33:11,14-15

Mormon Message:

I think it is called wrong path or something like that


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 5

Hello everyone!!! :) First off I want to start off, Dad last week you sent me an email saying it looks like I have lost weight.... come on don't say that, that is like me saying "wow dad it looks like you have put on a few pounds..haha gees I have been working hard and trying to gain weight... I am actually up to about 155 now :) so I have gained over ten pounds since I left and about 5 since I got here! All the rice is almost giving me a belly though I actually had to start doing crunches and stuff so I don't lose my "abs" haha Families have taking us out about 4 times a week probably. Last night we went to a member’s house and they made spaghetti! Not as good as dads but it was still pretty good!! Last P day we went to the batting cages after we finished emailing you guys so that was pretty fun.... except I suck really bad now haha Softball messed me up bad!! Oh well It was still fun.


Anyways this week has been pretty good I am actually starting to understand most things that people say to me so that is good. It feels good when you can get people to smile because of your complement. There was this one kid with his girlfriend on the back of a scooter. He pulled up next to us and I looked over at him and said "hwa!! hello shui ge, Nihao ma" which is handsome boy how are you and he looked at me then looked at his girl and just started smiling like that’s right an American just complemented me. Then I talked to him for a while about church and he was smiling the whole time!! It is the best feeling knowing that you are making someone happy. It puts you in a good mood every time! Try it if you are ever feeling down, go and do something for someone else to make them happy and I guaranty you will feel better.


We are teaching this super cool guy right now! His name is C.J. and he is 33. He lived in Texas for about 2 years. So his English is really good but he came to English class and that is how we met him! We met with him a couple days later and started to teach him but I forget to ask him to read and pray. The next day we met with him again and he said he prayed at work because he was getting frustrated and then he read a couple PAGES of the book of Mormon. He is so cool!! I have a lot of respect for him to because he was going to school in Texas and had a really good job so his life was going really good and then he found out he had a daughter here in Taiwan!!! He decided he wanted to be a part of her life so he left everything he had there to come back here and now he is working in a noodle factory with his mom and is taking care of his daughter!! Today when we were on our way to email he pulled up next to us and we talked to him and we finally got to meet his daughter!! She is so cute!!! she is 4. He is pretty much a stud and is super respectful and humble. And he is such a cool guy! He took us out for noodles the other night which was pretty cool. Elder Gish told an amazing story relating god to dragon ball z!!! haha I guess in one of the episodes the main guys son is in a fight and he is getting beat up pretty good and everyone was telling the dad to step in and help. But he wouldn't, he would say that his son needs to learn! I know he can do it, and he never lost faith in his son! The son ended up coming back and winning and the father said see I told you he could do it and now because of that he is stronger and better than he was before!!


That is how the God is for us sometimes. We might be going through some pretty hard times and wondering why is God doing this to me? Why is this happening to me? But God has faith in us. He knows we can do it! He will help us as much as he can but there is a point where if he just keeps helping us we are not going to be able to learn, grow and develop! I know we all have our challenges and struggles but as long as we keep pushing through them and find the best in them then we will be able to come out and gain something from it! Our purpose here on earth is to learn, grow and develop so that we can return to live with our father in heaven again someday!!


I love you guys and hope you have a good week!! 



Revelations 3:20-21

2 Nephi 25:28,29


Love Elder Roberts



ruan jun xiong

Monday, November 18, 2013

week 4 in Taiwan

Nov 18, 2013
This week has been super crazy with stuff.  A lot of weird things has happened to me, like I learned how to solve a rubric's cube... ha-ha but other stuff even cooler, funnier and weirder than that has happened!!  Hope you guys are enjoying the weather and the snow there!!! It has been 80 to 85 degrees this week :) Can you guys send me some pictures of like the activities we do there those are the pictures the people here like to see the most! They love the pictures of KY ha-ha everyone freaks out when they see them! He is such a stud! :)


So last night I was doing intersection contacting while Elder Gish called people and tried to get the week set up. So we were just at an intersection and I was riding in a circle talking to people and trying to get their number so we could set up a time to meet with them and one guy, when I reached out to shake his hand, he wasn’t really sure what to do so he started to massage my hand.... ha-ha it was so funny and he just kept rubbing it the whole time I was talking to him, in the middle of the road... ha-ha then another guy started talking to me in a language that was not Chinese!! At least I hope it wasn't ha-ha I didn’t understand anything he was saying. Then he said "what’s your name" in English and to clarify that's what he said I repeated back "what’s my name?" Then he said "what’s my name" so I said confused "What’s your name? “Then he said "what’s your name? “This went on back and forth for a while I was super confused because he just kept saying whatever I would say then the light turned green and he said bye and  just rode off...It was so funny and weird! Ha-ha super funny! Later that night we went to a less active members house for dinner and I gave my first blessing in Chinese!!! It was scary ha-ha. I am also getting used to feeling awkward and just going with it :) haha I can just kind of go with it now and make the other person feel even more awkward than I do :)


I have had to start taking the lead in the lessons lately and it is super hard when you know as little Chinese as I do. We were teaching this kid named brother lai and Elder Gish had me take over and I had no idea what they were talking about but I just started to talk. Ha-ha I asked him a question and what I had said was exactly what he needed and wanted to hear and led right into what we were planning on talking about, it was crazy. Then Elder Gish told me to prepare a lesson for Brother Liu and when Brother Liu came to the church it wasn't the same Brother Liu that I was expecting when I prepared the lesson.... and this Brother Liu was an inactive member and hadn't come to church in a while! So I decided to just stick with it see what happened. Through most of the lesson he had tears in his eyes and the spirit was so strong and he ended up coming to church yesterday! It was awesome!


The lord works in mysterious ways and sometimes, we might not know exactly why things are happening the they are but if you put your trust in the Lord and keep moving forward things will work out a lot better than if you do it by yourself, because he knows what you are going through so if you will turn to him and let him help you through it you will be able to do anything!


I love you guys hope everything is going good there! Things are awesome here!!


Love Elder Roberts


Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 3 in the great Taiwan!!!

     So to start out, I am going to tell a funny and weird story. One of the first couple days I was here Elder Gish told me about one night him and his companion went out on the deck and there was a bunch of cigarette ashes out there.... I didn't really believe him until the other night we got home and our inside door was open, the outside door was closed and locked but the second one was opened... we thought it was kind of weird but didn't really think anything of it until later that night we went out on the deck and there was a cigarette out on the floor... So we think someone comes in our house every now and then and smokes out on our deck because they know we are usually gone all day!! haha kind of scary but they haven't taken anything yet so it’s not too big of a deal.

     So we are teaching a guy named zhang cong zheng he is so freaking cute! I think he has a little bit of a mental disability because we have to teach him the same stuff over and over before he remembers it but he is so happy and funny! He is super little probably about the same size as Brett ;) he comes to about my elbow and when he sits on chairs at church his feet just dangle! haha it is so funny and we don't really know why we like him so much because he never does what we ask him to do or anything and he is progressing VERY slowly but he really wants it and is trying and he is so cute. So we are still trying to work with him he should be getting baptized in like 2 weeks I think. I remember the first time I met him it was my first week at church he showed up to church all by himself without us calling him or anything and he was SUPER drunk! haha he could barely stand! We were in class and he kept almost falling out of his chair! Since then we have gone to his house and taken all of his alcohol away, he had a jug like the water jugs that we used for football! The big 2 gallon one and it was about half way gone just from that day, but since then he hasn't had any. We have also gone and helped clean his house, it was so bad.  There was urine all over the bathroom floor. Now his black floor is white it was like magic! It still smells way bad and I want to go get him some febreeze or something to help with that! Even though it smells bad and it is dirty there, just seeing his toothless smile makes it worth it. .ha-ha and he is so nice! :)


     I think I might end up marrying a Taiwan girl... ;) ha-ha,  just kidding but the little kids are so cute here it is very tempting! There are these two little girls in our ward that are so cute! They are so fun to play with and super smart! Some of them when you try to give them a high five they just look at you like your dumb and keep walking... ha-ha but most of them are like cool, a white guy.


     Friday night we went to a Night market to do "English proselyting" and we found some watches and Elder Gish bought 2 of them. He bought me one for my birthday it is so cool I took a picture of it but we can’t send pictures from this place so I will have to try to send them next week but it is turquoise and the hand and numbers are pink! And it was only about 3 bucks!!! It is so cool.  Elder Gish got a purple one with blue inside it is way cool to! My birthday went for a good two days because they said it is still my birthday in Utah.... Elder Gish bought me a good dinner to he is awesome! He thinks it is funny to tell everyone it is my birthday to especially when we are doing street contacts.... so everyone is telling me happy birthday still! :) 


     That will be awesome to have a Christmas tree! We will be one of the very few that have one! :) I haven't got the gadget for my bike or really bought anything yet because we aren't really supposed to shop until p day. I think I will maybe pull money out today and go get some fun stuff.

     There are some hills here but not many it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I am still in the city so the landscape isn’t that great it just looks like a big city! There are so many scooters!!! It’s still crazy. I saw a mom and 3 kids on one scooter, and they always drive around with their dogs on the foot part of the scooter. I have seen little kids in their strollers on the foot part!!


     We went out to lunch today right before we came here to email and it was a really expensive Japanese restaurant at least for here it is. it wasn’t that great, but I ate octopus!!  It is not my favorite kind of food... it was not bad just not my favorite! We sat on the ground though and that was cool. I took pictures though so if I can send pictures I will :)



Love Elder Roberts
The view from my apartment!!

Our bus to the temple!

Birthday gift from Elder Gish!

Octopus lunch!  YUMMY!!!!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 2 in Taiwan

This week has been pretty awesome! It is getting a little tougher though because Elder Gish is pushing me pretty hard to be the best I can which; isn’t a bad thing but it definitely puts me out of my comfort zone!!! The good side is I can kind of talk to people on the street now and get their number! :) I have about 4 girls now that are going to wait the two years... ;) ha-ha just kidding but on my way to the email place I got a number! I think they only pull over because they can't understand me then I give them the card to write their number on and they do it and then later Elder Gish calls them :) ha-ha it is so fun though and so out of my comfort zone! I am getting really good at balancing on my bike at red lights though!! :)


So to answer some of your questions before I forget :) The only plan for my birthday is we are going to a night market for English proselyting and that was just coincidence but I might buys some stuff for myself there! :) The one thing I have been wanting to get is a little computer thing for my bike that says how far I have gone and stuff and that is about 40 bucks I think. I got the one letter on Halloween and then I got your card today!! :) It seems like it takes about 2 weeks. They do sell skittles here but I still have a big bag from what people sent me at the MTC but they have been going pretty quick! :) The best thing for Christmas would probably just be money stuff is so much cheaper here and it would make it a lot cheaper for me to buy it here instead of you shipping it, but maybe a nice light rain jacket would be sweet! They have them here but the quality isn't super good. Just send stuff to the mission home and they send it out to us.


The story about me telling someone to go die I just asked him about it I don't remember so obviously I didn't notice!!! Oops: p For Halloween... they don't really celibate it here. The earth quake was pretty crazy though! Ha we were in the church teaching a lesson when it happened but I definitely felt it! It made me feel really motion sick but it felt like we were on a boat rocking back and forth. It wasn't too bad, kind of a cool experience though. It was like a 6.3 so it was a pretty good sized one! 


That sucks about KY and football! I just wrote you guys a letter and in kys I talked about football..... Oops oh well :) There is more to life then high school sports! Don't be one of those guys that lives in your high school days! Ha-ha Things only get better after high school... for the most part! I mean look at me I'm living in Taiwan and still have my parents paying for me to live how awesome is that! ;) Ha-ha congrats on school to man!! That is awesome!! You are such a stud!!!


I noticed in all the pictures you guys are in big coats like its cold or something!!! I wake up at 6 and go down to the track right outside in front of our building and by the end of my work out I am sweating! The weather is so nice right now! This last week it has been kind of humid but the temperature is really nice! It would be sweet to go hit the slopes though!!! Thanks for rubbing that in my face but I don't miss the cold to much! :)


So the people here just give themselves American names and we met a guy on the street and asked him what his name was then later we asked if he had an English name and he thought for a second then said Milk!!! Things are so different and weird here it is awesome! I just wish I could talk to them better!! People always say nige to it means that or like you can call a person that to haha but there is a drink here that is called a nige and it is so good! It is like sprite with key wee in it and a lot of their drinks have like rubber chewy candies at the bottom that you can suck up and chew on while you drink it is awesome! Yesterday for dinner we had McDonalds and I got the new burger in a large combo and some chicken nuggets for about 5 buck! The food is so cheap hear and that is expensive because it is American food! Usually we can eat a full good meal for about 2 bucks! :) Love you guys


Love Elder Roberts


Things are going pretty good here though hopefully they are there to! Some scriptures and things I have been studying that have been good are:

-Ether 12:9-10, 12

-Ether 12:24-27 I like where it says "fools mock but they shall mourn"

-Alma 30:43-44 and Alma 14 is probably my favorite chapter it is so cool!


-I started reading "Our search for happiness" that is pretty good



What we do with our powers during planning... ha-ha :) pretty cool huh :)